God Wants to be Our God
God wanted to be their God. God desired to be with them and allow them to have His presence with them continually. He wanted to care for them, feed them and give them His salvation. How it must have grieved Him to see them turn away from Him and allow unbelief to set in so many times. The children of Israel were chosen by God out from among many nations. This was His chosen people. He chose this people to bring salvation to the whole world. All God wanted in return was for them to have respect unto His commandments and not take them lightly. The commandments were to be obeyed and followed. They were the holy word of God. To ignore them was to despise them. At first this fellowship with God and
the written word was given only to Israel. Perhaps that may be
because the only one who had faith in God at one time was Abraham.
The Gentile nations had no hope and were without God. Yet we do see
occasions when God cared for other nations and allowed them to come
to Him through faith. God Wanted to be their God also.
Rahab heard that God was moving among the Israelites. She heard of the crossing of the Red Sea and how the Egyptians were defeated. When the spies were sent into the land where Rahab lived, she hid the spies from her fellow countrymen. In doing this she hoped to save her family and herself from the wrath of God. Rahab was actually a harlot. Yet God gave her a chance to be saved just because she believed and feared God. In verse 11 below, she states that their God was God in heaven and the earth beneath. Her faith in God delivered both her and her family. Isn’t God wonderful. His plan of salvation from the beginning was meant for all nations. Here is the story in Joshua:
This story is an example of how God did not leave the Gentile or unbelieving nations in the dark. Somehow through traders, travelers and messengers, His word got out. Rahab knew that God had given the land she lived on to Israel. She recognized this by faith. She was actually saved by faith. One thing I noticed when proofreading this article I wrote years ago was that I use to assume that there were only small number of people saved by Rahab's faith but actually it seems there were many. Father, mother, brothers, sisters and all that they have is mentioned in verse 13. That would most likely mean all the children of the above mentioned relatives with the words, "All that they have." Rahab became one that married Salmon who was in the line of which God would send His Son Jesus into the world to later die for our sins. Salmon and Rahab had a son named Booz. Booz married Ruth that we read about next who also was a woman to left her own homeland and chose God to be her God. Another example of being saved by faith. Ruth had a son called Obed. Obed beget Jesse who was the father of King David. Another Example: Ruth:
The book of Ruth tells the story of a man named Elimelech was lived in Bethlehem-judah. A famine in that land caused him to take his wife, Naomi and two sons, Mahlon and Chilion to go into the land of Moab to survive. Both sons married. One married Orpah and the other married Ruth. The Moabites did not serve the true God but had gone into idolatry many years previously. The Moabs descended from the family of Lot, Abraham’s nephew. So at one time they knew better. After a time, Naomi’s husband died. Later the two sons died also. It was then that Naomi decided to return to her own homeland. She heard that the Lord had brought her homeland out of famine. She instructed her daughters-in-law to return to their own families. After much weeping and tarrying, Orpah returned home but Ruth clave to Naomi refusing to go back. Ruth chose to go with her mother in law and chose her God rather than the false gods of her own people. Ruth became part of the direct line from which would come Jesus Christ, the savior of the whole world as I mentioned before. So we see that even though the law and promises were given to Israel, through faith and determination, those outside of Israel could enter into a relationship with the true and living God by faith. After the coming of Jesus Christ, salvation came unto the whole world, not just Israel. Now all who believed upon the Son of God, Jesus Christ could be adopted into the family of God. God becomes our God too. God wants this so much that He thought of a way to reconcile us to Him. Sin separates us from God and keeps us from having fellowship with Him. When Jesus willingly died on the cross, He actually was paying the penalty of sin in our place. This became the way of salvation for all. Like any gift though, it can be accepted or refused. We can refuse this way of salvation and be lost forever or we can accept this salvation and become a child of God with the promise of eternal life.
We see God’s desire for us in the above verse. He is unwilling that any should perish. He wants to save. He wants to be our God.
To those who love God, God has prepared a wonderful place.
God wants to be our God.
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